Boston's Big Dig Geofoam | Boston, MA

New Orlean's Airport Chooses R-Shield Geofoam
Project Type Commercial | Civil & Roadways
Year Completed 2005
Project Size 45000 sq ft
Material used R-Shield Geofoam 25,000 cubic yards
Contractor Hensel Phelps
Project Overview
The New Orleans Airport East/West Runway’s nine month, $64 million rehabilitation project included the removal of some existing pavement, repair and replacement of damaged/deteriorated pavement sections, and the installation of a new concrete overlay. R-Shield Geofoam with Perform Guard® was selected as a light weight engineered fill material.
- Geofoam was utilized to mitigate differential settlements of existing pavements that were not performing well, and to mitigate potential differential settlement at the interface between new and existing pavements.
- Geofoam was used under the newly widened sections of the taxiway fillets to accommodate 747-400 aircraft turning radius.
- Geofoam was utilized for settlement mitigation as part of a new taxiway connector constructed on virgin soils.
R-Shield Geofoam with Perform Guard solved another problem at the New Orleans Airport site: potential termite damage totheGeofoam. Thesoilsatthesitearefilledwithtree stumps and roots, a good source of nutrition for subter- ranean termites. Geofoam with Perform Guard is treated with an EPA Registered additive that prevents the potential for significant infestation of the Geofoam.
Note: Geofoam with Perform Guard has been used on two early phases of construction at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans Int’l Airport dating back to 1995.
Choosing R-Shield Geofoam over other fill materials.
- Extremely lightweight to reduce lateral or bearing loads
- Predictible engineered performance
- Various Types available to meet project specific strength requirements
- Can be installed in various weather conditions